Leeds West Academy


Parental Engagement

Leeds West Academy Family Handbook

Click here to download our 2023/24 Family Handbook 

The ENGAGE Programme 

Our ENGAGE Programme aims to support parents and carers to develop the confidence, skills, knowledge and understanding that is required to support their child in learning at home. The evenings are open to everyone and we would strongly encourage you to come along with your son/daughter. 

Each ENGAGE Evening will be an opportunity to take part in fun, interactive activities that have been designed to enable you and your child in learning together. Each evening will be focussed solely on a particular area of the wider academy life. Each session will consist of a 45-minute session followed by opportunities to meet and share experiences, evaluate the evening, enjoy the refreshments provided and form new friendships. 

Please look out for the letter that will be sent home in the weeks prior to each ENGAGE Evening as well as a sticker within the student planner reminding you of the time/date. In order that we can plan appropriately, we do ask that you send the reply slip back with your child to indicate both attendance and the number of family members who will be attending.  We look forward to welcoming you and your family to the academy over the coming year.   

There was a fantastic turn out for our inaugural Engage Evening on a Freezing Friday December night.  Our Year 10, 11 and Post 16 parents and their children were invited to attend.  The theme of the evening was ‘Building relationships with parents and supporting learning beyond the classroom’.  Working with education specialists Positively MAD, we considered how parents could support their child in preparing for exams, revision techniques and dealing with exam stress.  We also introduced two new packages the academy has invested in to support our young people in their studies at home, namely GCSE Pod and EdLounge. 


