Equality Objectives
Our school community celebrates diversity and upholds a clear vision through our Equality Objectives. Leeds West Academy ensures that equal human rights are respected for all and that students are educated in equality through all aspects of their learning. We tackle inequality as a school community; regularly assessing our practices in relation to age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, race, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
Our Equality Objectives for 2022 - 2025 are:
- To deliver a broad, ambitious, and accessible curriculum which develops the whole child academically, personally, culturally, and professionally to ensure students have a strong awareness of the diverse nature of society and are responsible citizens.
- To raise levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and academy life, across all activities including regular attendance to ensure equity and fairness in access with engagement, notwithstanding social deprivation, special education needs/disabilities.
- To promote social mobility through raising aspirations and improving outcomes for all students and staff with protected characteristics or from disadvantaged groups, including economic deprivation.
- Implement Equality Assessment framework to enable Senior Leaders to articulate how they have considered students/staff/parents/carers/members of the community with protected characteristics in making strategic decisions and developing policies/procedures, so as to not contravene the Equalities Act 2010.
View Public Sector Equality Duty Statement 2024-25
View the Equality Action Plan 2022-25
Accessibility Plan for Disabled Students
Leeds West Academy provides a 21st Century learning environment where every student has every opportunity to learn and express themselves as individuals. We are fortunate to work within a highly-resourced new building, opened in 2011, which was specifically designed to ensure the social inclusion of all young people with disabilities. By regularly refining our learning facilities, we are also ensuring that any barriers which present themselves are quickly addressed, securing the mobility, independence and safety of all students and staff.