Personal Development Curriculum
Aims of our Personal Development
- An extensive age and stage appropriate preventative curriculum that allows students to be informed of their own personal, social, health and economic education becoming fully equipped to recognise risks and make their own healthy choices
- A cohesive transition and careers programme which prepares students for future success in education, employment and training
- Provide opportunities and a set of rich experiences in a coherently planned way in the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities
Areas of Personal Development
- Personal, Social, Health Education and Relationship, Sex and Health Education
- Social Moral, Spiritual and Cultural and British values
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Careers and transition phases
- Enrichment and extracurricular
Please click here to view our Policy page for RSE Policy.
Year 7 Overview
Half Term 1 | Welcome to Leeds West Academy, Transition and Safety |
Half Term 2 | Building Relationships |
Half Term 3 | Health and Puberty |
Half Term 4 | Religions and the Wider World |
Half Term 5 | Developing Skills and Aspirations |
Half Term 6 | Developing Skills and Aspitations |
Year 8 Overview
Half Term 1 | Emotional Wellbeing |
Half Term 2 | Discrimination |
Half Term 3 | Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion |
Half Term 4 | Identity and Relationships |
Half Term 5 | Beliefs and Meaning |
Half Term 6 | Alcohol and Drugs |
Year 9 Overview
Half Term 1 | Peer Influence, Substance use and Anti-Social Behaviour |
Half Term 2 | Setting Goals |
Half Term 3 | Employability Skills |
Half Term 4 | Respectful and Intimate Relationships |
Half Term 5 | Healthy Lifestyles |
Half Term 6 |
Morality and Diversity |
Year 10 Overview
Half Term 1 | Healthy Relationships |
Half Term 2 | Shaping your Future |
Half Term 3 | Addressing Extremism and Radicalisation |
Half Term 4 | Exploring Influence |
Half Term 5 | Morality and Diversity |
Half Term 6 | Mental Health and Preparing for Exams |
Year 11 Overview
Half Term 1 | Next Steps |
Half Term 2 | Building for the Future |
Half Term 3 | Communication in Relationships and Families |
Half Term 4 |
Health and Emotional Wellbeing |