Leeds West Academy


We offer a broad Physical Education curriculum with students having the opportunity to study a range of activities in line with the National Curriculum. Activities students will participate in include, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Climbing, Cricket, Fitness, Football, Gymnastics, Handball, Netball, Rugby, Softball, Sports Culture, Tennis, Table Tennis and Trampolining.

We have a fantastic team of staff which provides us with a breadth of experience and specialisms in a range of activities.

The PE Department aim to be ‘The Heart of the Academy’, providing students with outstanding learning experiences alongside the opportunity to represent the Academy in sporting activities. Engagement in extra-curricular highly encouraged to all students with attendance being rewarded by memorable trips to sporting events. Within our department, lessons are underpinned by the expectation that every student is supported to LEAP forward in their competence, knowledge and achievement. 


Students in KS3 will participate in two hours of PE every week. Participating in a range of activities from across the curriculum, students will be able to develop their physical and personal skills. Students are predominantly taught in same-sex classes that are specifically chosen in order to provide the best opportunity to become physically confident. The KS3 curriculum is carefully mapped to ensure of continuity, progression and achievement. This helps to provide a pathway of lifelong participation and preparation for KS4 and beyond.

Alongside this, students are offered a variety of opportunities to underpin their skill development including a wide-ranging extra-curricular programme, leadership opportunities both within and outside of lessons, whilst culminating in sport related school trips.

Throughout each year, students regularly participate in House competitions. In addition, rewards are continuously awarded for their ability to meet the academy’s core values in both their lessons and extra-curricular activities.  

At Leeds West Academy, we believe students should develop holistically in their PE lessons. Consequently, as well as assessing students on their practical ability, we also use assessment to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their subject knowledge and effort within each practical activity. Such approach enables students to develop physical literacy and establish an understanding of how to  lifelong participation. Furthermore, the confidence, resilience and gaining of transferable skills supports students with their future career pathways. Our assessment criteria can be viewed here.

Schemes of Learning Examples

Assessment Criteria:

Basketball Trampoline


All students receive one hour of core PE alongside the opportunity to study qualification PE. Within these core lessons, there is a strong focus on health and wellbeing in order to promote an habitual enjoyment of exercise and physical activity, as well as an emphasis on full-context competition sport.

At KS4, the offering a wide-ranging curriculum continues, with students able to build on the skills and knowledge developed at KS3, whilst also being able to continue to progress their ability and understanding to support with theoretical qualifications. However, to maximise engagement, enjoyment and to encourage lifelong participation in physical activity, students are given an element of choice at KS4 with regards to the activities that they take part in throughout the year.

Schemes of Learning Examples

Assessment Criteria:


Courses in KS4

At KS4, we offer two theoretical PE courses for our students; these are OCR GCSE PE and Pearson BTEC Sport. Further information about both courses can be found using the links below or asking a member of the department. However, here is a brief outline of the two courses:

GCSE PE is an exam-based course with two exams sat at the end of Year 11. Students study Physical Factors Affecting Performance in Paper 1 and Socio-Cultural Issues and Sports Psychology in Paper 2. Both papers are worth 30% of the overall grade. Practical performance in three sports/activities makes up 30% of the course, whilst the final 10% is coursework on the analysis and evaluation of performance. 

BTEC Sport is a predominantly coursework-based course, with students completing several pieces of coursework the two years of KS4. The coursework is split between two components worth 30% of the overall grade each. Some practical elements are included in the coursework, including planning and delivering of a warm up, and performance in one sporting activity. The remaining 40% is attributed to an exam which is sat at the end of Year 11. 

Curriculum Overview 

For further information on the curriculum offered, please contact Mr A Livingston, livingston.a@whiteroseacademies.org (Curriculum Leader for PE). 

Extra-Curricular Activities


The Physical Education department offer an excellent extra-curricular programme with numerous recreation activities available that are based on enjoyment and participation. These include, Climbing, Fitness, Gymnastics, Tennis and Trampolining. Additionally. the Academy is part of the Leeds School Sport Association, where we compete against schools across the city in sports such as Football, Netball, Rounders, Basketball, Cricket and Rugby. Students are also able to engage in a range of activities both in a morning before school and during their lunch time.  
We run an exceptional reward scheme to acknowledge student's commitment to extra-curricular activities with trips to Leeds Rhinos, Yorkshire Cricket, Manchester City (men's and women's) being some of the rewards available to students. 
At Leeds West Academy, we are incredibly proud of our Sports Leaders programme available to students. Our Sports Leaders have the opportunity to support Primary School events both within school and externally including weekly after school activities, Panathlon's and the Bramley Olympics. All of our Sports Leaders are given the chance to complete the Sports Leaders Level One Award through our partnership with Leeds United Foundation. 


The Physical Education department includes eight Physical Education specialists. Within the department, there is a vast range of specialisms and backgrounds helping to provide outstanding teaching and learning to students as well as a wide ranging extra-curricular offer.

The department also benefits from the support of a dedicated fully qualified teacher to deliver high-quality Physical Education lessons and competitions to our local partnership Primary Schools.

Mr A Livingston is the Curriculum Leader, who has taught at taught at the academy since 2019. Mr A Livingston can be contacted via livingston.a@whiteroseacademies.org. 

Cluster Primary School Work

As part of a locally agreed partnership deal a fully qualified PE teacher from Leeds West Academy actively works alongside colleagues in the local cluster of primary schools and SILC (Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre) to support their provision of PE, Physical Activity and School Sport. This support aims to upskill the subject knowledge and confidence of teaching staff to deliver high quality PE lessons.

In addition, there is a calendar of regular sports competitions and festivals which provide participation opportunities for primary school children of all ages and abilities. Sports leaders from LWA help with the delivery of these events as they gain valuable knowledge and experience though volunteering.

This local partnership is also part of the West Leeds School Sports Partnership which brings schools together from across the West of Leeds to provide a high quality PE and School Sport offer. For more information on the West SSP please see their website - www.westleedsssp.org

Healthy and Active Lifestyles:

Promoting healthy and active lifestyle is a key priority for the PE department. Participation is a primary aim within all lessons, however knowledge and information is provided to students during core lessons in KS3 and KS4, embedding the ability to lead a healthy and active lifestyle both now and in the future.

A number of cross curricular links are made to support this, whilst students who opt to study a theoretical PE in KS4 will learn in more detail the impact of body systems on health and fitness. Knowledge and information is shared in lessons such as Fitness, with a greater emphasis then provided in KS4 with activities including Health Related Exercise and Zumba.

It is important that students are aware of the broad range of benefits (physical, psychological and social) a healthy and active lifestyle can have.