Leeds West Academy

Modern Languages

Our Modern Languages Department promotes the study of foreign languages within our school community and supports and challenges our students to make strong progress in this subject area. We provide courses which are engaging, relevant and rewarding so that our students become resourceful, resilient, independent learners. 

As a school and community we have a responsibility to prepare all our students for the global future which awaits them, and what better way to get them ready for this exciting future than by arming them with the skills that a foreign language offers? 

21st Century learners must be resourceful and resilient. They must demonstrate a willingness to work independently and persevere when faced with challenges. It is through learning a modern language that we aim to embed these skills in our students. In every year group, we are developing courses which embrace new and compelling subject matter, whilst at the same time building students’ linguistic competence, promoting positivity and boosting self-confidence. We do this by the careful planning and delivery of lessons, and a flexible forward-looking curriculum.  

The majority of our students study Spanish however we have recently introduced French to the MFL curriculum. Both Spanish and French are world languages which increasingly find themselves into nearly all aspects of our daily life and will undoubtedly play a part in some way in all our student’s global futures. They are languages of business, the internet and of travel.

Courses in Languages

 Key Stage 4

  • GCSE Spanish(Eduqas) 
Identity and Culture Local, National, International and Global areas of interest Current and future study and employment

Youth Culture

- Self and Relationships

- Technology and Social Media


- Health and Fitness

- Entertainment and Leisure 

Customs and Traditions

- Food and Drink

- Festivals and Celebrations

Home and Locality

- Local areas on interest

- Transport

Spain and Spanish-speaking countries

- Local and Regional features and characteristics 

- Holidays and Tourism

Global Sustainability 

- Environment

- Social Issues 

Current Study

- School/College Life

- School/College Studies

World of Work

- Work experience and part-time jobs

- Skills and personal qualities

Jobs and Future Plans 

- Applying for work/study

- Career plans 


  • Foundation and Higher Tiers 
Listening 25% Reading 25%

Writing 25%


Speaking 25%


Role Play

Picture Based Task



Key Stage 3 - Curriculum Breakdown

All students from entry into Year 7 will study Spanish. During their learning journey at KS3, we prepare their foundation for success at GCSE level, and eventually A-Level. 

KS3 Curriculum – Year 7


Half Term


Learning Outcomes


Autumn 1


  • To learn greetings and basic information about ourselves and family

Listening, Reading and Writing

Autumn 2

Mi familia y yo

  • To learn about the members of the family and how to describe people physically and personality-wise

Listening, Reading and Writing





Spring 1

Mi rutina diaria

  • To learn how to tell the time and talk about daily routines

Listening, Reading and Writing 

Spring 2

Mis pasatiempos

  • To learn about a range of activities we do during our free time

Listening, Reading and Writing  




 Summer 1

Las vacaciones

  • To learn different kinds of weather phrases and what to do while on holiday.

Listening, Reading and Writing 

Summer 2

El turismo y la cultura

  • To learn about different Spanish-speaking countries and their cultures.

Listening, Reading and Writing 


KS3 Curriculum – Year 8

Half Term


Learning Outcomes


Autumn 1

La tecnologia

  • To learn about the advantages and disadvantages of social media and technology and compare devices and social networks.

Listening, Reading and Writing

Autumn 2

Mis relaciones personales

  • To learn about family members, describe them physically and personality-wise, and talk about positive and negative relationships

Listening, Reading and Writing 





Spring 1

Una vida saludable 

  • To learn different foods and drinks as well as how to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Listening, Reading and Writing 

Spring 2

Mi casa

  • To learn how to describe one’s home and where they live.

Listening, Reading and Writing





Summer 1

Mi area local

  • To learn about places and activities in town as well as how to give directions and compare the city and the countryside.

Listening, Reading and Writing 

Summer 2

Mi vida en el instituto

  • To learn about different topics related to school (Subjects, teachers, facilities, rules, extracurriculars...)

Listening, Reading and Writing 



Key Stage 4 - Curriculum Breakdown

Students follow the Eduqas course in Spanish. Students will develop their skills in the four areas of: listening; reading; speaking and writing. Our students receive detailed and regular feedback from their teachers, helping them target certain areas of need. 

KS4 Curriculum following Eduqas Spanish GCSE - Year 9

Half Term


Learning Outcomes



Autumn 1

La televisión y el cine

  • To learn how to give opinions about different TV programs/films and compare them.

Listening, Reading and Writing 

Autumn 2

Las celebraciones hispánicas

  • To learn about Hispanic culture and different festivals celebrated in Spain and Latin American countries.

Listening, Reading and Writing 





Spring 1

Un estilo de vida saludable

  • To learn different foods and drinks as well as how to sustain a healthy lifestyle and what to avoid.

Listening, Reading and Writing 

Spring 2


Las vacaciones 
  • To learn different holiday destinations and activities as well as to talk about past and future holidays.


Listening, Reading and Writing 





Summer 1

 El medio ambiente

  • To learn about different environmental issues and what we should do to help the environment.

Listening, Reading and Writing 

Summer 2

Saliendo de compras

  • To learn how to talk about clothes and school uniform, buying clothes in Spanish.

Listening, Reading and Writing 


KS4 Curriculum following Eduqas Spanish GCSE - Year 10

Half Term


Learning Outcomes


Autumn 1

Mis relaciones interpersonales

  • To learn about role models, ideal characteristics to have in personalities, partnerships, and future plans.

Listening, Reading and Writing 

Autumn 2


Mi vida en el insti 2

  • To learn different topics related to school (Subjects, teachers, facilities, rules, extracurriculars...) as well as school in the past and ideal schools.

Listening, Reading and Writing  




Spring 1

Mis aspiraciones futuras

  • To learn how to discuss work experience, jobs, skills and personal qualities, part-time work, and career plans.


Listening, Reading and Writing

Spring 2

Cultura hispánica 2

  • To learn about Hispanic culture and different festivals celebrated in Spain and Latin American countries.

Listening, Reading and Writing 





Summer 1

Mi área local 2

  • To learn how to describe one’s home and where they live, as well as places and activities in town in the present and past.  Describing one’s ideal town.



Summer 2

Los problemas sociales y del medio ambiente

  • To learn about different environmental issues and what we should do to help the environment.

Listening, Reading Speaking and Writing


KS4 Curriculum following Eduqas Spanish GCSE - Year 11

Half Term


Learning Outcomes


Autumn 1

La tecnología y las redes sociales

  • To learn how/how often we use technology, and the advantages and disadvantages of social media and technology.

Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing 

Autumn 2

El mundo laboral

  • To learn how to discuss work experience, jobs, skills and personal qualities, part-time work, and career plans.

Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing





Spring 1

Los problemas del medio ambiente

  • To learn about how to help the planet and what we can do to ensure we have a cleaner environment, things to avoid doing and ways of improving in the future.


Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing

Spring 2


GCSE revision for speaking and writing
  • To practice the three components of the speaking exam; Role play, picture description, and conversation.

  • To ensure students understand what is expected of them in their exams, and to revise language and tenses


Speaking and Writing





Summer 1

GCSE speaking exam and tenses revision (all 9 tenses)

  • Past papers, vocab revision and recall, verbs and tenses.


Exam Papers

Summer 2

 GCSE Exams