A Caring Academy: Exceptional Pastoral Support
As a parent, you need to feel assured that your child will be well looked-after throughout their Secondary School career, as it is this sense of safety and support that underpins student well-being and good progress. Ensuring student well-being is fundamental to Leeds West Academy’s structures for support, advice and guidance.
Dedicated Form Tutors
We pride ourselves on a pastoral care programme that centres around the Form Tutor; a teacher who will be a key person in the day-to-day care and support of every student throughout their time at Leeds West Academy. Form Tutors have daily contact with our students and are the first point of contact for parents/carers.
Form Tutors are there to help with day-to-day organisation and to deal with any concerns you may have, quickly and effectively. Form Tutors also have a crucial role in monitoring the Student Planner and in promoting excellent attendance, positive behaviour and exceptional progress.
Year Managers and Behaviour & Attendance Leaders
Each of the year groups from Year 7 to Year 11 has a dedicated Year Manager devoted to promoting rewards, supporting good behaviour and attendance. To support our Year Managers there are Behaviour & Attendance Leaders assigned to each Key Stage who will closely track and monitor every student’s progress and work with teachers across the Academy to ensure that each student reaches their potential.
It is the job of this dedicated team to identify any barriers that stand between your child and their full potential, and to ensure we do everything we can to secure excellent outcomes.
The Year Manager will remain with your child’s year group throughout their time at Leeds West Academy, meaning you and your child can build and maintain excellent working relationships; working together to support your child in achieving his/her potential.
Social, Personal and Citizenship Education (SPACE)
Form Tutors meet their tutor group each morning and follow a comprehensive Tutor Programme of Social, Personal and Citizenship Education and also participate in this shared experience through SPACE Days.
During SPACE Days, each year group within the Academy focuses on individual personal development, with Form Tutors and Year Teams participating in an engaging programme of active learning events. As part of this pupils are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings on a wide range of topical issues such as democracy, British values, social justice and human rights.