Leeds West Academy


 The White Rose Academies Trust X Shine Trust Aspire Project 

What is Aspire?

The Aspire Project aims to improve levels of attainment for disadvantaged students to ensure that children who achieve the top grades in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2, through a structured programme of mentoring, support, and effective challenge throughout Key Stage 3, maintain their progress. The Aspire Project aims to nurture the academic potential of these students to support them in achieving the best grades during Key Stage 3, thus preparing them for academic success at Key Stage 4 and beyond. 


Members of our Aspire Cohort have each been assigned a ‘Buddy’ who will support these students in their transition to secondary school. Our Buddies are existing students who have strong attendance, a positive behaviour record and impressive attainment data, they embody the core values of our Academies and will act as positive role models throughout the project. In addition, our Aspire students have each been assigned an Academic Champion, a member of staff who will liaise with parents and champion success.


Aspire Student Survey 2023

You can access the Aspire 2023 Student Aspiration Survey by clicking here. You must sign into your White Rose Academies Trust email account first to access the survey.


Aspire Virtual Summer School

As part of the Aspire Project, students have access to the Aspire Virtual Summer School. Here students can access a range of resources to support their learning throughout the Summer break. Students will have the opportunity to engage in English, Maths and Science project-based learning which will conclude with a showcase of projects come September.


Access to the Aspire Virtual Summer School will be made available to our Aspire cohort shortly.


Who are SHINE?

SHINE is an education charity that works with teachers, schools, and other organisations, helping disadvantaged children in the North of England to fulfil their true potential.


In 2021 the trust was successful in a bid to fund a transition project to help sustain academic outcomes for Pupil Premium students that have been identified as high prior attainers. This funding was made available under SHINE’s ‘Flying High’ scheme.


You can find out more details surrounding SHINE and their funding streams by clicking here